Oral Rinse Piercing Aftercare Spray Wholesale 16 oz x 2
Oral Rinse Piercing Aftercare Spray  Wholesale Mudscupper's
Mudscupper's Oral Piercing Spray 16 oz x 2
Mudscupper's Oral Rinse Piercing Aftercare
Spray - Wholesale 16 oz x 2

Best Oral Piercing Spray Available

Google the ingredients listed for this product and compare. You'll see why, "Mudscupper's #1 All Natural Piercing &Tattoo Aftercare for over 20 years, and counting...!
MSRP $35.98
Wholesale Price $24.98
Savings: $11.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: OR016-00-02W

Benefits Ingredients Usage Info
Mudscupper's Oral Piercing Aftercare Spray is especially designed for any type of oral piercing: tongue piercing, angel bites, labret, monroes, cheek piercing, lip piercing, etc. This oral piercing aftercare spray creates a neutral pH environment that destroys harmful bacteria. We blend five of the best known ingredients in oral hygiene together: Dead Sea Salt, East Cape Manuka oil, Xylitol, Peppermint and Menthol oils, to protect the health of your piercing. Mudscupper's Natural Oral Piercing Aftercare Spray exceedes ordinary sea salt / saline piercing solutions.

Your clients will love the taste!
  • Daily cleansing is crucial to avoid infection.

    Mudscupper's Natural Oral Spray protects all types of piercing inside the mouth and the outside lip area. Harmful bacteria can't survive in a neutral pH environment, and die quickly.
    This leaves the mouth feeling clean and fresh.

    100% Natural.
    More effective than ordinary sea salt / saline piercing solution.
    Helps piercings heal faster.
    Provides protection against oral infection.
    Creates neytral pH; prevents bacteria growth.
    Helps cell circulation.
    Freshens breath.

    East Cape Manuka Oil: Scientifically proven antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial with microbe damage reversing benefits (help cells repair faster).

    Pure Menthol & Peppermint oils: Kills harmful bacteria that cause bad breath, gingivitis, and periodontal disease (infection).

    Xilitol: Provides sweet taste, and stimulates saliva flow that helps pH levels to decrease harmful bacteria in the mouth; also a cause of gingivitis, and periodontal disease (infection).

    Dead Sea Salt: Highest concentration of nutrients, minerals, and essential elements which relax to relax traumatized / damage tissue, and stimulate cell circulation (faster healing).

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