TEA TREE Piercing Serum adds 2X more cleansing power and protection to TEA TREE Piercing Spray, or DIY piercing solution. TEA TREE Piercing Serum is a concentrated blend of Jojoba & Australian Tea Tree oils. Dried secretions / harmful bacteria trapped within clogged pores, are a leading cause of: discoloration, swelling, tenderness, and piercing bumps (often referred as: topical cysts, hypertrophic scars, and Keloids). Jojoba oil helps open and unclog pores, so harmful secretions can be cleansed away, and replaced with Australian Tea Tree oil, and its amazing antibacterial and healing benefits.
For best results, use with TEA TREE Piercing Spray.
- Serum: Jojoba oil, Australian Tea Tree oil, Vitamin E, and Lemongrass oil.
No: alcohol, artificial colors, perfumes, fragrances, chemicals, hidden ingredients, or cheap fillers.
Review for allergies.
Uses: New / old / troubled piercing, dermals, gauging (stretching), branding, and tattoo cleanser.
First Aid: Cuts, burns, rashes, insect bites, and mild acne.
- TEA TREE Piercing Serum: Helps with daily cleansing, crucial to avoid infection.
TEA TREE Piercing Serum: the cleansing and antibacterial power of piercing spray. Helps piercing heal healthier and reduces / shrinks stubborn piercing bumps.
Piercing should be washed at least once per day to avoid excess serum build-up. Excess build-up may cause irritation.
Makes piercing spray 2X more effective.. 100% Natural. Opens / unclogs pores. pH Balanced. Promotes faster healing.
Australian Tea Tree Oil: Rated #1, used extensively in health & beauty industries for its amazing ability to prevent, protect, treat numerous healing conditions, and promote healthier healing. This oil is a proven: - antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial with microbe damage reversing benefits (help cells repair faster).
Jojoba oil: Helps open pores, making it easier to cleanse and remove deeper secretions / harmful bacteria, a leading causes of: discolor, swelling, tenderness, and piercing bumps (often referred as: topical cysts, hypertrophic scars, and Keloids), all leading causes of: discoloration, swelling, tenderness, and piercing bumps (often referred as: topical cysts, hypertrophic scars, and Keloids).
Lemongrass oil: Helps soothe and relax traumatized tissue, and is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial.
Vitamin E: Moistens, repairs, and restores skin to a healthy appearance.